Thursday, April 2, 2009


airporttaxi said...

Could you please write some thing on how to work out specifically for better rankings in Yahoo search results.
West Yorkshire

MillvilleNJ said...

Well while I spend my SEO time ensuring I receive top rankings in the most popular search engine GOOGLE, it is also important to get some popularity in Yahoo although not too important.

Here is the easiest and most popular way for Yahoo. Pay $ 300 a year.

Yahoo Search Submit Express is the best option. But like any thing else it takes a lot of time or money.

While I achieve top rankings for my South Jersey Keywords I have worked at it. The key is writting content rich with keywords that will encourage targeted traffic to frequent your website as often as possible. Here is my site stay tuned as I am releasing an e-book designed to achieve geo-targeted Results For Yahoo and Google Search Engines.

Remember this Yahoo and Bing or (MSN) battle for only 17% of the market share for search. Spend your time with Google and you will get real results.