Thursday, June 24, 2010


As I said earlier the proper use of hash tags are important. I have to be honest up until recently after I read some information on Twitter I too did not know what a hash tag is or its proper use. It is really simple once you think about it. A hash tag is something any user can add to tweets that would categorize a tweet according to a particular subject. This way anyone who writes on that particular subject would then use your category or hash tag. If one was writing a tweet about autos then # autos would be an appropriate hash tag. This all allows the Twitter search to find all tweets that relate to the category.
Now how can this help marketing for your business. Well, when you search you can explore Twitters who write about the product you sell. You can use Twitter search to discover a particular category and the Twitter user who used it. My business is to provide internet marketing services for businesses. Therefore, I am looking for small business owners who need help with marketing online. I could look for # B2B, # small business owners, # start ups, etc. For knowledge it would be good to also connect with my competitors such as # internet marketing, # marketers, # online marketers. You get the idea.

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